Values Are the Answer

Breakthrough research turns values into data, to solve any problem and achieve every goal.

Human values expert, international keynote speaker, and 2X best-selling author David Allison will show you how to transform workplace and marketplace engagement with the revolutionary science of shared human values.

Keynote speaker, author, founder and CEO David Allison

Move over, demographics. 
Make room for
shared human values.

In companies all over the world, demographics are failing us.

They tell us a lot about how people look on the outside — and absolutely nothing about what drives them on the inside.

That’s why in business, where connecting and engaging people is everything, demographics will always fall short. So why haven’t we focused on engaging with deep-held values, instead of superficial demographics?

Because we simply didn’t have the data.
Until now.

David Allison founded The Valuegraphics Project with one goal: to turn human values into data-driven insights.

After nearly a million surveys in 152 languages, featuring hundreds of millions of data points, he’s bringing this transformative new system to keynote stages all over the world.

  • …need to predict how people will react, and why?

  • …want to make any strategy 8X more effective?

  • …want to know exactly how to engage, inspire, and motivate anyone as easily as your closest friends?

  • …want to embrace new opportunities with less risk and better ROI?

Do you…

No matter the question values are the answer.

Hi, I’m David.

I’m on a mission to share what scientists and researchers have known for decades: you will never understand people until you know what they value.

All our lives we've been taught that demographics like gender, education, income, marital status, and age help us understand who people are and how they will behave.

But do they work for you personally? Are you the same as everyone else your age, who earns what you earn, and has the same education as you?

I can tell you this for certain: just because I’m male, married to the world’s best husband, and an Indigenous Canadian doesn’t mean you know anything about who I am inside my heart, and how I choose to engage with the world around me.

Demographics don't help us engage with people at all.

And that's why I launched my mission to quantify human values. It was clear that humankind needed a better way to understand each other. Nearly a million surveys later, I’ve identified the core human values that drive everyone on earth and turned those values into real data.

Now any organization can use shared values to engage and inspire people.

He’s brought the power of shared human values to organizations such as Google, PayPal, lululemon, and the United Nations Foundation. David’s latest book, The Death of Demographics, has been called “convincing, insightful, and…revolutionary.” His work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, INC Magazine, Forbes, and is included in college textbooks used worldwide.

Today, David is an international speaker helping brands engage people and influence outcomes. He brings predictive insights, practical ways to put them to use, and a high-energy delivery to every keynote stage. Each audience walks away with a fresh perspective on their own values, the values of people around them, and those they hope to impact with their work.

“If we just change how we look at people, we will transform our lives, our companies, and our world.”

trusted by

David was the star of our show – the feedback data was off the charts! Keynotes like this are few and far between!

Liz Ptak

Corporate Events Manager FP Canada


Compelling stories. The most important issues. Shared human values connect them all. Explore keynote topics tailored to your industry, organization, or goals.




Boosting Sales by Being Human

Consumers today are harder to understand than ever before, behaving in unpredictable ways and failing to fit the mold of traditional demographics like age, income, gender, and education. We have more data and insights than ever, but all that data isn’t getting us closer to achieving our goals.

The Science of Values-Based Leadership

Neurologists have known for years that leading people effectively requires tapping into their core values. But until now, there hasn’t been a way to identify, measure, and leverage the specific values shared by teams, or large groups of people.

The Superhuman Antidote to AI

As incredibly disruptive technologies like AI emerge at a stunning pace, the only antidote is for us to become more incredibly human than ever before. To do that, we need to make “the human factor” less risky. That’s what David does in this keynote.


How to Engage Event Attendees

A free report for Event Planners on the shared values of event attendees, based on hundreds-of-millions of datapoints in the Valuegraphics Database.

Values are the answer.
Let’s put them to work.