The Values Diaries

Useful insights on the enormous power of shared human values, from human values keynote speaker David Allison.

The Values Diaries

Useful insights on the enormous power of shared human values, from human values keynote speaker David Allison.

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Sales/Marketing/CX David Allison Sales/Marketing/CX David Allison

Values-Driven Growth: The Key to Securing Credit Unions’ Future

As credit union leaders, managers, and decision-makers, you’re facing a unique challenge: how do you attract new members and deepen connections with existing ones in today’s fast-paced, digital world? It’s no longer enough to offer great rates and friendly service—people are looking for something deeper. They want to feel understood, valued, and connected. And that’s where shared human values come in.

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Sales/Marketing/CX David Allison Sales/Marketing/CX David Allison

How Hotels Can Boost MICE Industry Sales

Let’s face it: meeting/event planners have a tough job. And if you’re in the hotel industry trying to attract them, you’re in for some stiff competition. But what if you could peer into their minds, understand what makes them tick, and tailor your offerings to align with what truly matters to them? Clearly you’d have a major advantage. So that’s exactly what I’ve set out to share with you in this article.

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Leadership David Allison Leadership David Allison

Leadership in the Values-Driven World (A Post-Pandemic Realignment)

The COVID-19 pandemic, while devastating, also offered a unique opportunity for introspection and transformation. As the world hit pause, many of us reconsidered how we live our lives and what truly matters. This period of reflection has catalyzed a significant realignment, allowing us to step off the relentless hamster wheel of societal expectations and re-evaluate our priorities. Leaders take note: things are different today. But it doesn't need to be confusing: it just takes a shift in how you look at people.

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Leadership David Allison Leadership David Allison

Modern Leadership is Complex. This Will Help.

What leadership is today and what it will be tomorrow has become more confusing than ever. A thousand experts promote a million ideas about how to do it right. How can you find your path? A set of shared values will always be the common thread across all leadership issues.

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Workplace Culture & Employee Engagement David Allison Workplace Culture & Employee Engagement David Allison

Using Shared Values to Build an Engaged Global Workforce

Employee engagement issues continue to change how businesses think about work. But all these issues have one thing in common. They are all about people, and people are all about their values. A global study for an international client serves as a case study of how shared values can build the workplace culture we all want to see.

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Leadership David Allison Leadership David Allison

Values-Driven Leadership for Divisive Times

Leaders are often required to be referees, particularly in these polarized times. How can you facilitate and moderate effectively in such an environment? Regardless of the issue, when we find shared values, we’ve found common ground. And we can begin to resolve disagreements. Together.

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Sales/Marketing/CX David Allison Sales/Marketing/CX David Allison

Boosting B2B Online Sales

If you are involved in B2B sales and marketing, there's an easy way to engage more people and influence the outcomes you'd like to see. All you need to do is give people more of what they truly value. Based on research for a keynote to international businesses gathered in Spain, this post explains how.

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