Using Shared Values to Build an Engaged Global Workforce

Employee engagement issues continue to change how businesses think about work. The debate about working from home and returning to the office continues. AI is seen as a disruptive force that makes many anxious and afraid. And we are still sorting through a post-pandemic shift in perspective about what work should be about.

But all these issues have one thing in common. They are all about people, and people are all about their values. It’s a neurological truth: our values are the underlying drivers behind everything we feel, and everything we do.

I’m asked all the time to speak about employee engagement and the application of shared human values data to boost workplace culture. And for every keynote we use our global database of human values to pinpoint the exact values of the people my audience wants to engage. But this video is about an even more ambitious project: a global study done by our research division for our friends at Genesys, who are in the business of helping contact centers pretty much everywhere on earth.

Genesys used the specific shared values we identified for contact center employees in nine regions of the world to show contact center leaders how to create engaged workplaces. Plus, they share the results with anyone who is keen to learn more.

In fact you can download a copy of the full global report here.

If you are in the contact center business you will find this enormously useful. And if even if you are NOT in the contact center business, you will still find it intriguing as a perfect example of values-driven strategies for work. Because we are all values-driven.

Values are the answer. Let’s put them to work.

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