Modern Leadership is Complex. This Will Help.

What leadership is today and what it will be tomorrow has become more confusing than ever. A thousand experts promote a million ideas about how to do it right.

AI will change everything, but even the most elementary Google search reveals that leaders must also embrace environmentalism, social impact, good governance, diversity, equity, inclusion, coaching, collaboration, emotional intelligence, empathy, culture, collaboration, mindsets, change management, wellbeing, self-care, remote work...and the list goes on.


All those things are about people. And people are driven by their values. A set of shared values will always be a common thread across all leadership issues.

Because all our reactions, behaviors, emotions, and decisions come from chasing our values, all day, every day, 24/7/365. We can't help ourselves. We are neurologically hardwired this way. It's just what humans do.

So it stands to reason, if we know what the shared values of our people are, we know what they will respond to, what they are listening for, and what will engage and motivate them. From there, you can choose the tools and ideas that work best.


There are four groups of people to consider.

1. The employees you have now.

2. The employees you'd like to have tomorrow.

3. The customers you have now.

4. The customers you'd like to have tomorrow.

Think of the shared values of each group contained inside a circle, and look for where the circles overlap to see the values all groups have in common. That short list of values in that spot, they become your North Star Values.

If for example, you find that all four groups place a great deal of importance on the value of #Family, #Ambition, and #Balance, you can use these values as a filter, and be the leader they all want and need you to be.

Today every organization is hunting for the intersection of profit and purpose. If you know the values that will engage and motivate all your stakeholder groups, you will have a North Star to guide you.

My company built the world’s first inventory of human values, with a million surveys in 152 languages. My leadership keynotes are built from that database to give organizations statistically accurate data on the values they need to focus on. Suddenly, the guesswork is gone, and everything starts to make so much sense. 

If you want to start working with the data in the Valuegraphics Database on your own, use the Valuegraphics Archetype Quiz in my latest book, or adapt the Three Telltale Questions to suit your needs. However you do it, start leaning into the power of shared human values for your leadership strategies, regardless of the issue at hand. Because we are all values-driven.

Values are the answer. Let’s put them to work. 

#leadership #keynotespeaker #values #valuesdriven #eventprofs #humancentric #data


Human Values Hack: the Three Telltale Questions


Using Shared Values to Build an Engaged Global Workforce