Employee Engagement and Retention Keynote Speaker David Allison

The Values-Driven Employee

An Engagement Playbook

Find out how to engage and inspire people with the motivating power of shared human values.

Employee Engagement Keynote

Companies continue to offer more perks and incentives, yet 85% of employees worldwide aren’t engaged at work.

Organizations are searching for a better way to inspire and motivate their people. And that’s where David comes in.

Employee engagement keynote speaker David Allison has dedicated his career to studying the shared values that engage and motivate people.

David’s groundbreaking research has turned human values into data. Now, for the first time, values can be measured, mapped, and used to understand people. It’s no wonder his work is included in college textbooks worldwide and leveraged by organizations like Google, PayPal, lululemon, and the United Nations Foundation.

David’s game-changing research for your event – delivered in an unforgettably dynamic keynote – will energize people and reveal how to create an engaged and motivated workforce.

Who is it for

  • People and Culture Professionals 

  • Senior strategy-level leadership in any industry

  • Pension and Benefits Providers

Audience takeaways

  • The specific values that will engage people and influence outcomes.

  • Creative, detailed strategies to immediately put those values to use.

  • David’s revolutionary Values Thinking Process to create actionable tactics.

Employee Engagement & Retention Insights

Align Policies with Values

Learn how to create policies that resonate with employees’ values, catalyzing a motivational culture.

Values-Driven Communication

See how to communicate in a way that honors what people value, dramatically boosting commitment.

Boost Team Cohesion

Understand how to identify shared values within your team, inspiring stronger bonds and collaboration.

David is the Mick Jagger of human values...thrilled with what he delivered


Director, Cube Business Media Inc.

About David

As the world's leading authority on human values, David Allison is transforming employee engagement.

His work has been featured in Forbes, Harvard Business Review, and INC Magazine and is referenced in textbooks used on campuses worldwide. Organizations like Google, PayPal, Lululemon, and the United Nations Foundation have embraced his insights.

He has helped recruit and engage Cloud Architects, pension plan members, and AI engineers. He’s revealed the shared values of retirement home workers, blue collar trades, construction workers, plus nurses and teachers too. He’s profiled contact center employees globally to help customer service leaders craft policies and environments that attract the best people, and worked for corporate giants like Allstate Insurance to engage their workforces from coast to coast.

With an unmatched ability to present data-driven strategies in a dynamic way, David does delivers keynotes that are better thought of as fully interactive experiences. People leave excited and energized, ready to take on the world with a whole new way to understand and engage whoever they need to reach.

Work with David

Values are the answer.
Let’s put them to work.

Employee Engagement & Retention Keynote Speaker David Allison will transform how you think about yourself, and those you need to impact with your work.