Insurance Keynote

Engage people and influence what they buy with the revolutionary science of shared human values.

Insurance Keynote

The insurance industry is built on trust, and trust is built on shared values. But without real data that identifies which values drive which insurance customers, building trust is a crap shoot, which comes with the risk of getting it wrong. So how do you create sustainable success in an industry where customers are driven by values you can’t identify?

Human values expert, innovative insurance keynote speaker, and 2x best-selling author David Allison has conducted a million surveys in 152 languages featuring hundreds of millions of data points.

His research on human values equips you with tools to understand the precise values that truly motivate behavior in the insurance industry. Going far beyond outdated demographics, his insights give you a groundbreaking data-driven approach to understanding not just who people are, but why they do the things they do. Including why they choose one provider, policy or professional over another.

David’s dynamic keynote reveals the precise values that will rebuild and strengthen the trust that’s so crucial in the insurance industry, and he’ll show you how to use those values to tackle any issue or seize any opportunity. The insurance industry is all about people, and people are all about their values.

Make values your organization’s strongest competitive advantage with David Allison as your guide.

Who is it for

  • Insurance brands and organizations

  • Advisors, brokers, agents

  • Industry associations

Audience takeaways

  • The specific Power Values that will empower you to engage people and influence outcomes.

  • Creative, detailed strategies to immediately put the Power Values to use.

  • David’s revolutionary Values Thinking Process that turns shared values into actionable tactics.

  • The Three Telltale Questions that will identify the shared values of anyone you want to engage and inspire.

Insurance Industry Insights

Trust Reimagined

Discover how focusing on shared values can rebuild and strengthen the trust that is crucial in the insurance industry.

Beyond Demographics

Learn to use values-driven data to offer personalized services and build marketing campaigns that resonate with your clients deep inside their hearts, where it truly counts

Values as a Strategic Asset

Understand how a values-based approach can become your organization's strongest competitive advantage in an industry facing relentless change.


David is the Mick Jagger of human values...thrilled with what he delivered


Director, Cube Business Media Inc.

About David

David Allison is recognized as the world's leading authority on human values, with his pioneering work transforming the Insurance industry's approach to workforce and customer engagement.

His extensive research and keynote speaking engagements for major insurance firms like Allstate Insurance have revolutionized understanding of employee types within their workforce. By identifying shared values, David has crafted bespoke online learning tools, enhancing employee engagement and productivity. His insightful study into the insurance industry's workforce and customer base uncovers the critical intersections and divergences in values, offering a roadmap for deeper, values-driven connections.

Notably, David's study of State Farm insurance policyholders actively seeking alternative providers offers invaluable data on customer retention and acquisition strategies. His work with Lincoln Financial's senior management team has been pivotal in aligning corporate values with those of their workforce, ensuring a cohesive and values-driven corporate culture.

David's expertise and innovative approach to leveraging human values in the Insurance industry have earned him widespread recognition. His work is included in college textbooks used worldwide, and has been discussed in Forbes, Harvard Business Review, and INC Magazine, as well as numerous podcasts and industry journals. As a dynamic, memorable, and transformative keynote speaker, David Allison offers the Insurance industry keenly unique and useful insights into harnessing the power of shared human values.

Work with David

Values are the answer.
Let’s put them to work.

Insurance Keynote Speaker David Allison will transform how you think about yourself, the people around you, and those you hope to impact with your work. Because we are all values-driven.