Add human values data to AI and you get a new era of human-centric technology

Artificial intelligence has been a game-changer, transforming industries and redefining how we live, work, and interact. And fasten your seatbelts because it’s only just getting started. The other day, I had a call with one of the founders of RWI Synthetics, a perfect case study of the enormous potential for good that AI represents. 

Specializing in advanced synthetic data generation, RWI Synthetics creates synthetic populations, such as replicas of cities. You know, in sci-fi movies, when there’s a huge disaster about to happen, and a room full of attractive people with great hair hypothesizes about how to avert total destruction of the planet? And how Brad Pitt (having been tracked down on his farm in a remote rural location and reluctantly pulled out of retirement from his stellar career as a spy) frowns and growls something like, “That’s a good idea. Let’s run the simulation.’ Well, what RWI makes is the simulation technology on which everyone from urban planners to health care strategists to disaster response teams can test ideas and strategies to see what the outcome will be. It is mind-blowing levels of cool. 

But here’s the thing: it’s crucial to ensure that this tech (and all AI-driven tech) remains human-centric. This is where the Valuegraphics Database, our global database of human values, helps out in two significant ways.

Ensuring Human-Centric AI

First, integrating human values data into AI products ensures the results generated truly reflect the real world. AI systems that understand and prioritize human values can make decisions that align more closely with the needs and desires of the people they serve. This alignment is not just beneficial but essential. When AI respects and responds to our values, it becomes more than just a tool; it becomes a trusted partner in our lives and work.

For instance, AI can significantly enhance customer experiences by predicting and responding to user needs. However, without a grounding in human values, these predictions might miss the mark, leading to solutions that feel off-base or even intrusive. By embedding human values data into AI algorithms, we ensure that the technology considers what people genuinely care about, resulting in more meaningful and effective interactions. This human-centric approach is not just a nicety—creating AI systems that people trust and rely on is necessary.

Enhancing Employee Engagement and Retention

Second, understanding the values of the people who will be working with these revolutionary new technologies is crucial. Our shared human nature must always be considered. If we neglect this, we risk seeing a significant drop in employee engagement and retention. The Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting movements have shown us that employees are no longer willing to work in environments that don't align with their core values.

For example, some employees may highly value Family, preferring remote work arrangements that allow them to spend more time with loved ones. Others might value Personal Growth and seek opportunities for development and learning. By using Valuegraphics to understand these preferences, organizations can create work environments that resonate with their employees' values, leading to higher job satisfaction, better performance, and lower turnover rates. And a willingness to hold hands with AI and create a fantastic future–and a fantastic future of work–together. 

AI and The Future of Work

AI is here to stay. And we don’t yet know all the things it will change. But we do know one thing: people will need to use AI to make the future happen, and leaders must build excitement rather than anxiety about how things will unfold. I get asked to speak about this all the time: by understanding the shared values that drive their people, leaders can craft a workplace culture with unity and purpose and turn fear about technological change into collective enthusiasm for the opportunities it presents.

Groundbreaking AI technologies need human values, and peanut butter needs jam. The combination of tech and humanity means our deepest human needs and aspirations are baked right into a future where both individuals and organizations can thrive. 

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You can read about my keynotes on AI and the Future of Work here. And you can download a one-pager here


Leadership in the Values-Driven World (A Post-Pandemic Realignment)


Human Values Hack: the Three Telltale Questions